Monday, August 27, 2012

LW Leather Model Shoot {Nebraska Photographer}

I  heard about LW Leather from my neighbor that had some custom chinks made for her daughter. I wrote an article for the The Fence Post and met with Lisa and watched her work for a bit. You could just see the passion she has for her business and her work. She knows what she likes, and won't sell anything but high quality leather goods.

I thought it would be a good idea for Lisa to have some photos of her products on the people who love them so much. I got a few neighbors together and we had some fun!

We took A LOT of photos that night, the light was PERFECT!! Here are a few of my favorites~

Love the color of ~J~'s chinks!

They kept saying they felt silly, but see girls, it doesn't look silly at all!

She was good, never hit me!


Such natural models!

These chinks are used on a daily basis!
I told him to look at the girls, and they said he couldn't be serious...I guess not! hehe
I can't wait to see what photos Lisa chooses for her website. It was so much fun taking these photos. Especially of a product that I would feel honored to own. We have another project in the works...stay tuned!


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