Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 In a nut shell... {Nebraska portrait photographer}

Hmm, one word to describe 2012~ CRAZY! Personally, I had a fabulous year! We moved and I truly believe it is where we are suppose to be in our lives right now. On top of that we got married! So, to say this was a monumental year would be an understatement.

I am not going to lie, moving scared the crap out of me. I had finally built somewhat of a client base in Colorado and was afraid to start over. However, it was possibly the best thing to do for my business. I started fresh, took a new look at what I was trying to portray, took some courses to help make my work better, and even joined a blog challenge to keep me out of a funk (did you guys like those posts?). It all worked.

I had three weddings this year, two in Colorado and one in Minnesota. Lots of traveling, but was able to get some sessions in with some loyal clients. I do not regret these trips at all. Weddings are seriously my favorite to shoot. The chaos, the stress, the speed, it's heaven for me! They say time flies when you are having fun, and weddings FLY by for me, I think I have fun ;-) Of course, I couldn't have done any of them without my trusty assistants, they truly are my second set of eyes, arms and legs. For that I thank them GREATLY!! You know you who are!

It took some time for my sessions to get picked up. I understand people need to see my work, they need to see ME and know that I exist in the area. It's hard to work up a client base from the ground, but I had some really great people in my corner. One of which made a note of always telling people what I did when she introduced me to people (and she knows EVERYONE!). At first I was bashful, but then I thought, "Yes, this is what I do, and I want people to know that!". So, to her I owe A LOT, again you know who you are, and I will be forever grateful for your support!

Thank you to my CLIENTS!! New and old. Thank you to those of you who took a chance on me and let me capture moments for you knowing I was new to the community. Thank you to those who made an effort to meet me while I was traveling to schedule sessions even though I moved away. I would literally be nothing without all of your support. I truly love what I do, and hope to make a lasting impression so I can continue to view you through my lens!

Of course, I wouldn't be anywhere without the support of my family. My son is understanding (as much as a three year old can be) about my office hours and knows that Mommy will always make time for him. My husband for "taking over" so I can have office hours and get my work caught up. And for also being my second pair of eyes while I edit. He can catch some things that I miss as I edit and create a session, and I am so lucky to have him.

Now to my favorite images of the year. Wow. This was really hard to narrow down. I had so many GREAT moments this year. (please visit my facebook page to see my album of great images from throughout the year)

I did three categories: personal, wedding and portrait.

Oh how I love this little Monster, I mean, Cowboy! He is my world and my favorite model!
~S~ April 2012

The colors at this wedding were my favorite of the year. This group was a lot of fun and well worth the drive to Fort Collins, CO!
~C~ Wedding June 2012

This by far is my favorite image of the year. It turned out EXACTLY how I envisioned, and that is a rare feat. It has also been inspiration for more silhouettes, which will turn into something special I hope next year!
~D~ Family October 2012
I have a feeling that 2013 is going to be even BETTER then 2012! I hope to continue to expand my clientele and do some more traveling. As stated in a previous post, not a whole lot is changing come 2013. There is a new website, new email and new proofing system, all of which I am very excited about!
Overall, thank YOU for everything! I am so grateful for all my success in the last year and have learned from my mistakes.
See you in 2013!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Miss~A~ Christmas FUN! {Nebraska Children's Photographer}

It was last minute, but so worth it! I forgot how mobile one year old's could be! Miss A was such a trooper and loves to share with her Mommy, it was so sweet.
Concentrating on a yummy cookie!

Tiny Toes

There's that smile!

She got pretty serious when she saw what was at the bottom of the bag...

Sunglasses! This one melts my heart

Her eyes are beautiful!

I loved how delicate she was with the ornaments, taking them off, putting them back on, so careful!

One by one....


My favorite shot of the day! The love of the Christmas tree!
I just loved my time with ~A ~ and her mom! I hope to work with them again in 2013! 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monthly Color Challenge~ Decemeber {Nebraska Portrait Photographer}

'Tis the season! It's time for the color blog challenge. Quick recap, a group of photographers and I have been challenging ourselves each month of this year. It was a way to utilize our blogs if we had been neglecting them, or just to challenge ourselves to bust out our cameras if they hadn't been used in a little while (which was the case for me a couple of months!). This month is green and/or red or silver and/or gold.

I have two holiday themed photos. The first is of our Elf on a Shelf, Bill. My son LOVED this tradition this year. Every morning the first thing we did was search for Bill. I am excited to continue this next year!
I did one more mini session before Christmas and spent a little time with this little cutie! She loved the bows, and ribbon her mom brought out. I forgot how active one year olds can be! But how much fun it was!
So this was our last color post of the year. I hope to do something similar next year, it's great to connect to more people in the photography community and challenge myself to do different things. Please continue onto Lynn Puzzo and see what she has come up with this month. Follow the circle and leave us some love!
Merry Christmas!