Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Photo Post Week 26 {Nebraska Photographer}

We have been pretty busy this week. In between editing my latest wedding, I still have the day to day activities and to add to the fun, we had Vacation Bible School.

I was really excited to have my son participate in VBS this year. I remember going as a young child, and looked forward to every day. I want my son to experience these things. Also, he is going on 3, we need to get him used to organized activities ;-)

We had three mornings of VBS, and each day was fun. My son LOVED the music time, and would stay in the circle the whole time dancing and singing with all the other children. He would sit for a little bit for craft time, though would want to get up and play shortly after we started.

He did decorate his backpack very well, and still continues at home!

Overall, I am so glad we did went. He surprised me each day by having his good and bad moments, more the third day as the activity caught up to him. I got to chat with the other moms, which I always enjoy. And he was exposed to organization. All good things preparing him (and me) for when he is off to school.

Definitely looking forward to next year!


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