Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Photo Post Weeks 21 & 22 {Nebraska Photographer}

Yes, I missed last week, again! So making up for it with two photos this week.

This weekend will be my last weekend for the month of June that I am free. Busy and I LOVE it! Hoping to be able to have some family time this weekend.

Ok, so last week we branded a small bunch of calves. It ended up being a chilly rainy (we need it!) morning, but fun nonetheless. I even got in there and wrestled some calves! In each place we have worked, they have branded differently. Here in the Sandhills, they wrestle every calf, verses using snares like in Colorado. It can be hard work, but it makes things go so much faster. Plus, it's fun!

My Photo for week 21 is of M and my son. My son loves to look at all the calves gathered in the pen. You can see it on his face, he just wants to go play with them!

For week 22 I have chosen a photo of my friend's son. Last weekend was Circle C Days in Cody, NE. It's pretty much the biggest thing that happens in our small town, and it's been going on for 50 years! They have all sorts of events, and next year you will see our family out there!!! :-D

Next week I will post some sample photos from the lens I rented for the first two weddings of the season! REALLY looking forward to it!!!


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