I started this blog to help promote my business and for my clients to get to know their photographer. I wanted to share with you my other passions in life. My Son first and foremost, which I have shared a lot about him on this blog as well as my website, he is my favorite model. :-)
My other major passion in life is horses. I have loved them since I was a little girl. My father is a cowboy at heart and my Mom is afraid of them...go figure, hehe. I started riding lessons at a young age, and my passion for this animal grew.
I have owned four horses in my lifetime. The first being an Arabian mare~ never again! I don't get a long well with mares and especially not Arabians (no offense to those who love them). My next two were very special to me and I cried when I had to sell them. Both grade geldings with big hearts, but college was draining the bank account.
I went years without riding regularly. I rode friends horses, and worked at farms, so the passion was still there. Then I met my "husband". He is also a horse lover, and we view things similarly.
My latest love, Hank, is technically Matt's horse. At least, he is registered under his name. However, we both know that Hank is only loyal to me. Hank is special, and very sensitive to who rides him. He has had a lazy couple of years due to me having my Son, but this summer...oh we will WORK! hehe.
We had our first ride of the year today. I was expecting nervousness, barn storming, etc. He was an angel! He whinnied once, tried to go back to the barn once (and he barely tried, just tested) other then that, low relaxed head, nice relaxed trot and not a question as to where I asked him to go. I am so please with my fat horse! Yes, he is a tad overweight, but who isn't in the winter?? ;-)
AQHA~ Red Sonny Hank |
My passion for photography definitely overflows to my passion for horses. As you can plainly see in my portfolio. I love these animals and I believe that there isn't a photo of a horse that isn't beautiful. Their eyes intrigue me because I long to hear what they are thinking.
I would like to believe that Hank has a love for me as I do him. He has carried me through thunder storms that would scare the average horse, he has carried me while pregnant and seemed to think about each step before taking it, almost making sure I was safe. He has carried both my Son and I on beautiful days and listened to Shaw and I sing together. He is a remarkable horse, and I will cry IF we ever sell him.
So there you are, some of "me". Some of you understand my passion and share it with me. Comment below and tell me your "horse love" story!