So, here we go with week two. I wanted to use photos I shot Saturday, but since it was a product shoot, there weren't many face-on shots, it was all about the legs. So, I used one of my photos from last week.
I have to say I love ACR!
I didn't change the skin color, but played with the background. Not sure how I like it, but it was fun playing around!
I think haze kids of works with this photo, vintage isn't a bad thing! :-)
Am looking forward to using CS6 for my son's three year photos, and using these new techniques!!
Thanks, Rachel!
Kyleen! I can't get over how cute he is! :) Your ACR fix is SO much better! I think the WB is slightly off..a little too warm (orange). It looks much better after you did some skin retouching and coloration. You probably could have added a little more blue (photo filter) or even lowered hue/saturation a bit around the edges where you can see the sun hitting his skin. I really LOVE what you did to the background! It looks way different, in a good way of course! The haze also looks good, ESPECIALLY on his skin. I think if you were to combine the last two photos, you would have a gold medal winner! ;) Great, super, fantastic job, and SUPER adorable 'model'!